

Man, I'm trying to work like the studios...two projects at once!  Sad part is it is just me working alone...  Haha~  Practice, practice!


A Romeo + Juliet story using ballet as expressive emotion to convey love and tragedy...  

I chose to work with faeries because this is a first, and also, it fits very well with the delicacy of the piece, and I can play with scale [AKA macros on plants--something I have never done before either~].  It's all super exciting, but I need to remember to be excited about my First Year Short as well....

The animation will revolve around a piece that my composer for Kallisti let me listen to when we met to talk about my project.  I made her winning piece [Music Fairy Box--Nature's Destruction] in a 2oo5 music competition an inspiring and driving piece for my new concept!  It can be heard in the test below.  :]

[Story will solifidy soon!]

Changing this to a magenta-red rose...and adding morning fog...

Final Scene:

F41RY  73571N6:   http://vimeo.com/9110968

F41RY 73571N6~! from JACONNI on Vimeo.

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