
!!THESIS STATUS!! [horrid, yet hopeful....]

This is a visual conception of what happened, is happening, and what hopefully will happen in the future with my thesis film Healing of Snow.

These are the three stages of myself:

The first [in the back] is an Autumn representation of my pulling my film along the winding yellow-striped [instead of brick] road from last year and this past summer.  I am looking straight at my film, focused on my goals.

The second [the pouting middle one] is a Winter representation of what I'm currently heading towards [hence the background coinciding with winter and my film]; a lot of procrastinating pauses and frustrating adjustments are happening with the film, and I'm in my PJs more often than not because I rarely go out these days [not because I'm simply rebellious  >wink<].  Yes, I do actually get more white hairs when stressed. In this version, I'm looking away from my film, with increasing difficulty to concentrate, but I still haven't let go of the rope.

The third [the closest to the viewer] is a Spring representation of what I hope to look like after completion of my film.  This version is clean, dolled-up, ready-to-party-because-it's-time-to-GRADUATE!  I am looking at my film in its entirety at the final stretch of the road, ready to let go of the rope [or cut it free], bent over from exhaustion, and the viewer can't see my face [because well, it hasn't happened yet].  Hopefully this road will end with another beginning!

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